Ninja says...

Friday 21 March 2014

Art Project

Our inspiration for our last art project came from the book Katie Meets the Impressionists by James Mayhew. It was about famous impressionist painters like Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh. We looked at Van Gogh's painting 'Field of Poppies' and then tried to recreate it using small brush strokes with quite thick paint.
We found out that the impressionists painted most of their paintings outdoors. They painted natural things like trees, fields and oceans.
Do you have a favourite impressionist artist?

Thursday 6 March 2014

Fish and Chip Friday

Today was fish and chip day at our school. We are raising money for Project Compassion. Our class goal is $140, this would be enough money to provide 2 goats to a family in South Sudan.

Shrove Tuesday

This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday.  Our school had pancake races on the oval. Riley was the 2J champion! We had lots of fun.